Body | Soul | Spirit

Love Is Wooing You to Freedom

Many factors affect our consistency with our health and wellness. Sometimes schedules get crazy. Other times our choices get lax and are now, perhaps, habitual. We can always find a list of reasons to not prioritize our health or time with God. To get out of this cycle of excuse, abuse, and justification (that is often partnered with a heaping portion of guilt), we need a little push. The push isn't mean. It's love, because it is a push to love... pulling us out of our self-inflicted rut that the enemy was happy to "help" coax us into. Once we are there, he "faithfully" works to bury us in that place of shame and defeat.

You Are NOT Powerless!

Can I offer you some ground shifting words today? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, Believer, to lead you out of that premature grave! Love is wooing you to freedom. Take His push!

The resources I've created over the past 15 years have been intentionally designed to draw you into love...

Not into a worldly, "Look what I have and can do: LOVE ME!" (Six pack abs and 100 push ups a day aren't going to fill your love bucket.)

It is an other-worldly, "God loves me! I can't help but love back!" (Bucket overflow!)

The amazing thing is that in that space of freedom, there is rest. I have experienced it and it is the primary gift that I strive to share with others.

Love nurtures your body with good food. Love chooses things that honor God by caring for His creation. Love also celebrates those 100 pushups to the glory of God and can celebrate with others in their victories. Those celebrations can involve cake! Because goodies aren't the devil and don't have to have power to control you! Yay, God!!

That is what healthy in Jesus looks like. It feels even better!

The most effective apps and pros in the fitness industry are targeting your habits at a psychological level, but they are missing a key component.

The Keola Fit & Fiery Club offers the "missing piece": The God Factor, so your whole spirit, soul, and body can start lining up with success.

Is what you've been doing working? If not, it's time to try something new, because you are worth it!

Start Strong + Find Your Thrive in ‘25!

This online studio Fit & Fiery Club is designed to set you up for success in every way.

  • No long contracts required*.
  • No commutes to a gym.
  • No high dollar equipment needs.
  • Options for even just 5 minutes of available time in your day.
  • Excellent value at a kind and amazing price point!

Both memberships include welcome videos and tutorials throughout your first week free trial to help you start strong and choose the Club content that is best for you based on your personal goals and the time you are able to commit to. But, guess what? I didn't stop there. I've also added these things to make that even easier for you and intentionally target some things that are known to increase your likelihood of participation and success:

Yours to Keep!

Download and begin this simple new habit to set your body and mind up for a good day! It is truly a gamechanger for many people and a great way to ease into movement in the morning. All fitness levels. Yours to keep, just for trying this membership!

Support Your Longevity

There are hundreds of single workouts in your membership libraries to choose from. This guide takes the guesswork out of choosing from that growing list, gives you time to form a solid habit, and helps you grow in the things that are scientifically shown to support your life longevity.

Learn More + Score Your Current Longevity Markers

Online Studio Community

A NEW community, here on platform, where you can post your journey and encourage others anytime. I also include some wellness chats to help you with things like "Kicking Sugar to the Curb" and how to support your brain health for better focus and future dementia prevention.

I'm so excited to be able to offer this accountability support system and greatly increase your odds of success through your active engagement! Amp this up by enrolling as a VIP member to join me and others live virtually every week.

Click below to start your free trial now, because NOW is the time to live life to the fullest!

Oh... did I mention that you also receive a special gift when you reach your 3-month milestone? There is so much value in this Club! You've got nothing to lose and much to gain. You are worth it, child of God!

Start Your Free 7 Day Trial

Select Your Membership

Cancel anytime within your first 7 days without being charged.

Pay annually to save up to 50%!
With this discounted choice you are agreeing to a full year commitment after your free trial.



VIP Membership | Keola® Fit & Fiery Club



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$39.99/month after 7 day trial

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14 courses

Basic Membership | Keola® Fit & Fiery Club



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$14.99/month after 7 day trial

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13 courses


Over 300 on demand workouts, wellness programs, Bible studies, and more. Click any photo to learn more about the resource. See VIP only perks further below.
More content added weekly.

Live Virtual Component for VIPs Only! Join NOW for your chance to participate.

NEW Upgraded 2025 Version with Bonus Content

Studio Access Through the Teachable App

Included for any member accessing the school with an iPhone or iPad (iOS version 16.0 or later) who signs up through the Teachable account option.



Regular connection significantly increases success rates and maintenance of healthy gains. In addition to the online studio community, VIP Membership includes opportunities to meet together face to face for live virtual classes (a $100+ monthly value alone!), first dibs on registration for any retreats or special events, as well as program sneak peeks and group cohort study access for new programs when they launch.

You also get an exclusive Hub resource that rolls out extra wellness content to help you on your journey. Get in on this premium membership option while there is still space available!

Recipes + Wellness Hub

New Program Peeks + Cohort Study Opportunities

Start Your Free 7 Day Trial

Select Your Membership

Cancel anytime within your first 7 days without being charged.

Pay annually to save up to 50%!
With this discounted choice you are agreeing to a full year commitment after your free trial.



VIP Membership | Keola® Fit & Fiery Club



billed monthly

Start free trial

$39.99/month after 7 day trial

courses icon

14 courses

Basic Membership | Keola® Fit & Fiery Club



billed monthly

Start free trial

$14.99/month after 7 day trial

courses icon

13 courses

Hi, I'm Alli!

ACE Certified fitness instructor and health coach, B.S. Biochemistry, creator of Keola®, Keola Fit, LLC founder, mother, grandmother, daughter, and friend.

I've been praying for as long as I can remember. God has been my Father, First Confidante, and Friend. I have maintained that intimate relationship throughout the years, even through very difficult and confusing times, like a hard marriage and the loss of my 9 year old son. I am passionate about helping others grow in their relationship with the Lord through an intentional, Spirit-led life filled with prayer, active faith, humility, abiding in the Word and Jesus (the very Word in the flesh), and lots of grace.

The courses in this school offer just some of the things I've learned as I've given my "Yes!" to God in the measure I knew how, as well as some of the encouragement I've personally received from Him in the fires of life. I hope they are a blessing to you and encourage you to crush all excuses to not do what He's asking, to trust Him in the process, and to know that He is genuinely Good through and through. He loves you and forgives you, Dear Reader!